Ctags make Vim rock! Remebering to index the code base is a pain. But how to do it… a cron job, No, Ahh… git hooks. Perfect!

After I got ctags working and indexed the files and start jumping around my code base like a bunny on cocaine. I started to get bored with typing ctags -R in the command all the time. I thought about other ways to do this and then I remembered the git after hook. After some reading the post-commit hook was what I needed. It would run ctags after a cherry-pick or anything that looked like a commit. That way the index is always fresh.

# Run ctags after a commit

echo ""
echo "Ctags running ==============================="
echo ""

ctags -R .

if (( $? == 0 )); then
    echo "Ctags was successful"
    echo "Ctags failed"

echo ""
echo "Ctags complete =============================="
echo ""