• How to find your linux distro?

    Sometimes I work on a terminal over network and I need to update or investigate a packet, software etc… What Packet manager do I use apt-get, rpm, or yum? What linux distro am I on anyway, Fedora, Ubuntu? Who’s driving this boat? Well after some research I discovered ways to find out the information I needed.

  • Moving around in the command line Part 1

    I have been getting tired of hit arrow keys to moving around in my commands in bash and was looking for a better way of working. After some research I found some key command that can speed things up.

  • Giving Prose.io a try

    My ruby environment has been messed up for a while now. I stumbled around prose.io and I am trying it out. We will see how it goes and I will give and update on it.

  • Back in Business

    Well, I have been out of touch for a about a year. The house, the family, and the job have all been demanding my time.Also part of the problem is ruby, gems, and travis.

  • setup ctag to to run in the git after hook

    Ctags make Vim rock! Remebering to index the code base is a pain. But how to do it… a cron job, No, Ahh… git hooks. Perfect!

  • Get a list of unused steps from Cucumber

    Keeping your gherkin step definitions clean is a difficult task. But with a cucumber command and a little bash magic you can print a list of the unused steps. This will give you a starting point for your clean up.

  • List your gherkin tags

    Get me a list of all the tags we have in our feature files! he said. So off I go to figure this out and this is what I can up with.

  • Git a list of files into Vim

    You have to merge a branch down to a feature branch. Maybe it’s the master branch. Oh! it’s using maven and java so you have these xml files the contain the dependencies in files called pom’s. They always needing to be fixed/changed. Delete a snapshot here and change a number there, you get the idea. Wouldn’t it be great if you could load the unstaged git modified files from a merge into Vim. Well, you can!

  • Separate your rake tasks

    This was a little trick that I found online when I was looking for information on unit testing rake tasks. The programmer broke up the tasks into different files so they could be loaded and tested apart from the rest of the tasks. I have started to do this and I find it has some benefits on it’s own.

  • Sorting text in Vim

    It’s that gherkin feature file again. After running the test a number of times an tring to read the string that failed you realize that it would make it easier if the strings where sorted. But you need a fast way to do it. Manually sorting text is painful and not the good kind that teaches you not to touch hot stoves. It’s the “Why do i keep hitting myself in the head with a hammer?” kind of pain, and that’s stupid and painful.

  • Find out more info on your branches

    What branch was I tracking in the first place? As my hands reach up, collect hands full of hair on the sides of my head. After I submitted a code change and it was not showing up in the branch I expected it to be in. I realized I must have delivered it too a different branch. My change had nowhere else to go in git.

  • Was that commit part of the last release?

    You’re sitting at your desk when someone comes down and asks if that code change that you said you were going to deliver made it into the lastest release. Due to organizational or long build/deployment times you not sure if it made it into this or that version. If your team/company/organiztion is tagging your releases (and they should be) then it should be pretty easy.

  • Saving your file and layout in Vim

    You read the article on tabs and splits in Vim and tried it out see post. You setup paths so you can rock the :find command. You start to get the hang of it then at the end of the day you type :qa an shut it all down. The next day you open Vim and Ouch!. I have to setup all my tabs and splits and load the files again.

  • Commenting out code with visual block in Vim

    While many people profess using a plugin for commenting out code. I prefer to learn it the hard way and judge if the plugin way is a better approach. Most of the time this is a trade-off of convenience vs. Knowledge.

  • Vim Plugins I know or use

    I am not quick to add plugins to Vim. I am talking about a my personal vim setup not something like januas. Plugins should add to my workflow and not burden me in any way. In reading and working with people I find some unhealthy views about Vim plugins. Here are some viewpoints:

  • Re-Factoring in Vim without scrolling

    You open up a file from the source code in your project and scroll through 2000+ lines of code, Ouch! You read the code and start to see patterns of usage and code that can be grouped together and an object is starting to form in your mind. You need to start moving code around. So how do you that in an editor that doesn’t have scrollbars?

  • Tabs and splits a one, two punch

    I am analyzing my current work flow. Some co-worker of mine asked if I can show them how I use vim and tmux. I thought that this will give me a good reason the try blogging again and play with jekyll a little more.

  • Why Jekyll?

    I started to notice jekyll appearing around the web and decided to start read up on it.

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